十大体育外围平台排名举办了第23届年度现代语言荣誉学会入会仪式. 18名学生被教师选入各自语言的荣誉协会, who spoke almost entirely in the language of induction.
At Germantown Academy, students are challenged, supported, 并以多种方式参与其中,从而获得一种转型的学习体验. 他们毕业时的个人能力远远超出了他们的想象.
Our Mission
Today at GA
It’s a fact that nothing means more to Sue Negro 1760 than her family. Immediate, GA, overseas, or other, 家庭是她在GA成功任职25年的最大因素. She is a skillful leader who will retire in June; an Upper School math teacher whose style, knowledge, and experience reflects the countless hours she has put into her craft.
三年级的学生在美术课上做了一个可能是他们迄今为止最有趣的项目! Keeley Jennings based this unit off American sculptor and dancer Nick Cave. 凯夫最初创造了他独特的艺术形式来代表一种“盔甲”."
Experiential learning is staple of a Germantown Academy education. From students in the Lower School learning African dances, to Upper Schoolers completing their senior projects in the community, students are gaining knowledge in and out of the classroom. For the 7th Grade class and 8th Grade volunteers, 这个体验式学习项目包括前往诺里斯敦的达文波特小学.
Patriot Posts
家庭STEAM之夜是一个由学生主导的活动,社区成员了解并参与了各种与科学相关的活动, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. 重点介绍了GA低年级的TinkerLab所探索的课程和技术, 但这也是一个合作的机会,展示了跨中高年级的垂直整合.
24岁的格蒂·拉弗蒂(Gertie Lafferty)写了一年一度的高级撤退如何帮助她和同学们思考未来.
Sarah Na最近在家长委员会会议上主持了一个关于身份认同的研讨会, 然后在高年级监督了一个类似的活动,学生领袖们在那里进行了同伴促进的讨论. She answers questions about the activity – Step In, Step Out - and why she felt it was impactful and important.
Former tech insider and social media strategist Max Stossel 他向学生和家庭讲述了社交媒体影响我们思想的方式, bodies, and hearts.