十大体育外围平台排名 hosted the 23rd Annual Modern Language Honorary Society Induction Ceremony. Eighteen students were inducted into their respective language's honor society by the faculty, 谁几乎完全用归纳法的语言说话.
在十大体育外围平台排名, 学生面临挑战, 支持, and engaged in a multitude of ways that lead to a transformational learning experience. They graduate as individuals who are capable of achieving far more than they had ever imagined.
事实上,对1760年的苏·内格罗来说,没有什么比她的家庭更重要了. 立即, GA, 海外, 或其他, family has been the most common denominator in her successful 25-year tenure at GA. She is a skillful leader who will retire in June; an 上学校 math teacher whose style, 知识, 经验反映了她在这门手艺上投入的无数时间.
The 3rd Grade took on what might have been their most fun project to date in art class! 姬莉·詹宁斯以美国雕塑家和舞蹈家尼克·凯夫为原型设计了这个单位. Cave originally created his unique form of art to represent a type of "armor."
体验式学习是日耳曼学院教育的主要内容. 来自低年级学习非洲舞蹈的学生, 到高年级学生在社区完成他们的高年级项目, 学生们在课堂内外获得知识. 对于7人th 八年级班th 年级的志愿者, this experiential learning project involved taking a trip to Davenport Elementary School in Norristown.
Family STEAM Night was a student-led event where community members learned about and participated in a variety of activities that connect Science, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学. The curriculum and technologies that are explored within the TinkerLab of the 较低的学校 at GA were highlighted primarily, but it was also an opportunity to collaborate and show the vertical integration of programming across the Middle and Upper grades.
Senior Gertie Lafferty '24 writes about how the annual Senior Retreat helped her and fellow classmates think about the future.
Sarah Na recently led a workshop at a 父母’ Committee meeting on Identity, and then oversaw a similar activity in the 上学校 where student leaders peer-facilitated discussions. 她回答了有关活动的问题- Step In, 《十大体育外围平台排名》——以及为什么她觉得这本书很有影响力和重要.
前科技内幕人士和社交媒体策略师 马克斯Stossel to spoke to students and families about the ways that social media impacts our minds, 的身体, 和心脏.